Plastic bags are convenient after all
Bobu Bag Bobu Bag

Plastic bags are convenient after all

When you go shopping, simply bringing a bag with you is a step toward creating new, more eco-friendly habits in your life. By incorporating reusable bags into your everyday life, you are helping to eliminate the large number of plastic bags that end up in the environment. The cost of buying a quality, eco-friendly reusable bag is worth it when you consider how much good this easy change can make.

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Why Burlap?
Bobu Bag Bobu Bag

Why Burlap?

Burlap sacks have long been used to carry heavy items. For centuries, burlap sacks were made to reliably hold items for transport, especially agricultural products like rice, potatoes, and coffee beans.

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"Good-E" bags
Bobu Bag Bobu Bag

"Good-E" bags

Each of our bags is carefully handmade and embroidered by Vietnamese people to help combat poverty.

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